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Own It: Embracing Wins, Losses, and Efforts in Recruitment

“It’ll be fine!”

Think of the last time you said those words, and how much you even believed yourself while saying them. The recipient of these words is rarely ever reassured. More likely they’re sitting with an increasing sense of worry.

True – sometimes there is no real tragedy or crisis at risk when you choose to “wing it” – but rarely would the outcome be “it went great!” Taking accountability and ownership of one’s tasks and challenges requires a person to also own the outcome. By shirking responsibility and being unprepared, it’s easier to accept a poor outcome because you can just tell yourself “if I’d actually done more, things would have turned out so much better.” Facing a poor outcome after preparing thoroughly is a much harder pill to swallow; but it’s also the only way to truly grow and improve.

Xeople believes in embracing every bump and curve on the road to success. Having a personal sense of ownership and accountability that displays initiative and commitment is vital for your own individual achievements as well as those who rely on you. Not every moment has to go perfectly, and preparation doesn’t always correlate to triumph. However, your attitude toward mistakes is fundamental for what comes next.

You get a toy with every Happy Meal

and you will make mistakes when trying new things.

Efforts in Recruitment

Time to roleplay this in some real-world career scenarios:

Too often candidates put in the hard yards during the application stage, only to arrive underprepared to the job interview. Failing to see each step as an opportunity deserving of effort can lead the perfect candidate to be overlooked. Maybe you didn’t research the company or hiring manager enough, or you skimmed the interview brief they sent over. What’s the point in bending over backwards to craft beautiful resumes and tailored cover letters if you plan on taking it easy once you get a call back? Taking responsibility for every step of the process helps you to authentically gauge what went well and where there is room for improvement.

Ownership value

Unfortunately, not every company will take the time to give you feedback after an unsuccessful interview. It is important to have self-reflection on these experiences and avoid getting stuck in a loop of repeating the same ineffective approach. It is easy to blame others in the face of failure but the only constant in your interviews is you. Take a moment to fairly evaluate what felt right and wrong in the moment. Remember that it’s just as valuable to own the things you know you’re nailing; this will help you replicate this strength in other facets. Your ego will also be more receptive to flaws and failures, when they’re balanced out by positives.

*Recruiters take note: providing interview feedback may seem tedious but it goes a long way!

Ownership as a candidate also means knowing your worth. Being selected for a role is a great feeling and it can be easy to accept the first offer you’re given. BUT before you sign on the dotted line, take a moment to ensure the job aligns with your goals. The sooner you outline what those goals and dealbreakers are, the more confident you will be in showing up as your best self in that role. If you don’t think a job is offering enough, the commute will negatively impact your work/life balance, or you simply aren’t gelling with the hiring manager: then do yourself a favour and call it. Don’t spend the rest of the week half hoping they will ring.

Ownership as a candidate

Where does ownership come in for recruiters? As the “middlemen” between candidates and employers, you play an important role – so own that. Assuming you genuinely believe that there is a right candidate for every role, taking pride in quality over quantity is key. The good news is, by owning the importance of the role you play and putting real effort into matching applicants into jobs that fit, you’re creating a lasting positive impression for all involved, thus feeding your referral funnel.

While it may be a bitter pill to swallow, the average person views recruiters in much the same light as a used car salesperson. Now, while that might seem completely out of step with the ethos of your recruitment business or approach, every group is only as strong as its weakest link. For those of us who love the recruitment industry and take pride in it, that means we need to work twice as hard to reshape public perception. Take pride in your work and own your role in people’s success stories.

“Fake it ‘til you make it.”

The words of the phony or the uninspired.

Where does ownership come in for recruiters

There’s an important difference between failure that results from trying new things, and failure that comes from lack of effort. If your team is pushing a mantra of “fake it ‘til you make it” to new recruits, see if you can shift the approach to “ask questions and try ‘til you make it.” To successfully make that shift, you’ll need to take ownership of the personalities at play and figure out if your team feels comfortable asking questions. With the wrong culture in place, a staff member might fear the assumption they weren’t paying attention, seeming incompetent, or feeling like a nuisance. Learning to ask questions, and learning how to respond to them are both hugely valuable skills that can empower a team to take true ownership of their responsibilities.

Things happen which may be within or outside of our control. Our perception of mistakes and changes leads our ability to overcome them and make the best of any situation. Strive to be proud of the part you play within a company and take steps to realise your dreams. Regardless of where you might be along your career path, it is important to embrace the curves in the road to success. Whether that road leads to a win, hiccup, or something in between, own it.